Well Child Exams, School and Sports Physicals Immunizations Adult Physicals, including Work Physicals Appropriate Screenings (such as: Pap Smears, Mammograms, Colonoscopies, Prostate Cancer)
We provide FREE TRANSPORTATION to and from your appointments!
- Blood Pressure
- Cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Nutrition
- Thyroid Problems
- Asthma
- Seasonal Allergies
- Flu or Pneumonia
- Depression or Anxiety
- Joint Injections
- Stitch(es) Removal
- Immunizations
- TB Skin Testing
Free Transportation to and from primary care appointments is provided by Healthy Start Medical Transportation Services.
We are experienced in the evaluation and management of common healthcare concerns including skin rashes, respiratory infections, and abdominal and chest problems.
Some examples of chronic problems we can help manage include asthma, hypertension, diabetes, hyper/hypo thyroid, coronary disease, cholesterol disorders, weight problems, and osteoporosis.
- Allergies
- Colds and Coughs
- Earaches
- Fevers or Flu
- Removal of Stitches
- Infections
- Sore Throats
- Sprains
- Upset Stomach
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Sports Physicals
- School Physical
- Sports Physical
- Employment Physical

You’re In Good Hands! So make your health care a priority!

You can rely on us to get YOUR “Big Picture”!

We are experienced with the health care system and believe in person-centric care!